Saturday, August 29, 2009

I've been in Grizzleheim way to long!

As you can see by this picture, I've been in Grizzleheim way to long, I'm starting to look like a bear! Though I must admit these new boots are rather comfy! Now this other picture was taken about few days ago. has anyone noticed how the rainbow connecting Grizzleheim to the spiral makes noise. It does, I was walking on it when I noticed a sound. It's cool, It's like a giant instrument!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wizard 101 facebook contest

Anyone who reads this and has a facebook account needs to do this.
Wizard 101 has a faceook fan page, and if you have a facebook account you need to go to: then become a fan. The prizes are:
25,000 fans = 2,500 gold
50,000 fans = Krok Hammock
75,000 fans = Danger Hound w/ Infection spell card!

So invite all your friends to become fans of wizard 101 on facebook. Let's all go for the Danger Hound pet!

You also need to register at to get the prize.

Mini Krokotopia

While I was in the map room in the Throne Room of Fire, I decided to gaze at the mini Krokotopia they had there. It was rather cool if you ask me. The only thing I noticed missing was that ominous cloud over the Tomb of Storms.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I can see Krokosphinx from here!

In my adventures today in wizard 101, I mostly stayed around
Krokotopia, Near the Oasis (the only part of Krokotopia I have access to). Anyway, I used the teleport near the shops (in the oasis) To beam me up to the shop Sed Talam owned, I ran up to the top of the his shop where Tish'mah was selling Myth cards (actually they cost 1 training point each), and then I turned an beheld Krokosphinx! I especially noticed the Krok Sphinx, that from what I see nearly takes up the entire island. Then I ran to the other side to see, The Tomb of the Storms.
With it's omnious cloud hanging over the entrance. (hence the name tomb of 'storms') Which brings me to how you get the the Tomb of Storms. I like how the sarcoughagus(?) comes out from the swirling sand trap. It's rather cool. It's like a vortex waiting to suck you in. It's awesome. Well that about wraps it up for me. I'm going to Grizzleheim tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What I have equipped

Sturdy Black Hood (Hats, lvl 15)
Frostholm Robe ( Robes, lvl 20)
Foots Guards of the Jarl (Boots, lvl 20)
Tempestra's Staff (Wand, lvl 20)
Swooping Necklace (Amulet, lvl 5)
Signet of Intellect (Ring, lvl 10)
Myth Ghoul (Crowns Pet)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Ice Viking on Elk's Edge

I took this picture awhile ago. I saw this guy on Elk's Edge. He floated there for a few minutes, then slammed his hammer down and disappeared. I don't know if he showed up for some other wizards quest or not. But it was cool seeing him.

( click image to enlarge =])